Wine Magic

Wine Magic – just say the word and we are all thinking about Fine Wine, because we all know that fun and laughter is just around the corner.  Everybody around the world find the time and the perfect place to enjoy the company of good friends and a nice red wine. Therefore when the opportunities presents itself and we just have to grab a bottle of pleasure and have fun.

Wine Magic change everything we do into a feast. Cheese and crackers on the bank of a lake becomes an event, creating true Wine Magic!

A Hot Bath or Jacuzzi is the Perfect time for a Glass of Wine

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After a long hard day at the office or maybe just home with running around with the kids, there is nothing as soothing and relaxing, calling your name, like a hot bubble bath. For instance, light the candles and reach for that enticing glass of wine that is already teasing you on the side. Sit back, close your eyes and shut out all other noise. Feel the cool fresh wine glide over your tongue and sigh. Home!

You deserve this alone time. Fortunately this time is for you, your Fine Wine, maybe a book.  Your time of heavenly Piece.

Looking for Fine wine but don’t know where to go! Just Click here!

Lovers understand the Magic of Wine. Nothing come close to the moment when you stare in your lovers eyes and bring up your glass to toast the occasion. Not that you need an occasion for a bottle of wine, but wine magic will make any moment unforgettable.  Entice your partner into the hot bath you prepared with complete intent for a romantic evening with just the two of you.  Just the two of you, together with some Fine Wine, and the Magic is set to happen.  You can relax, play soft music while you sip on your wine. Whisper soft nothings into each others ears. Therefore it’s Wine Magic every time!

Jacuzzi and Wine?  An awesome idea if you ask me.  Outdoors, under the Moon, the Sun, or as the Sun Sets.  A Glass of Fine Wine, and time for enjoying the Fresh Air, the Bubbles, and Massaging of the Jets on your Back.  Reflect on your day, your week, your life.  And think about the future.  Let the Wine Magic begin.

Make an ordinary meal extraordinary with a glass of wine

Every mealtime planning should start with Fine Wine.  Then pair it with the perfect dishes, and turn the Meal into a Feast.  From food pairings such as fruit, cheeses, chocolate to the more complete Dish to accompany the Fine Wine.  The Fine Wine will make every bite, every swallow an unforgettable experience that you will want to repeat often.

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You can admit that not all of us are wine connoisseurs, but we all can admit that we love wine at all different kinds of situations. What to pair with different dishes from around the world takes practice and knowledge. Most people have learned what they like in Wine through trials and error. No we have found just what you need. Your search for Fine Wines are over and you don’t even have to leave the house.

After a long search we discovered Fine Wines from Wine Ambassador:

Read on and know our Exclusive Wine Club, will take the guess work out and leave the hard work to us. You not only get access to New Fine Wines (From Single Vineyards) each and every month, but you will receive detailed information on the Wines themselves, where they come from, and suggested food pairings.  Your own “advisor” will be in the kitchen with you, to help you with the perfect delicious pairing of food and wine, but you can take all the credit, off course.

You will impress your friends for a quiet Friday evening dinner. The Fine Wine will flow and the prepared dishes will compliment them 100%. The laughter and conversation will let you know that you have find the right combination of Fine Wine, good Friends and delicious food. When Monday comes around and you notice that people talked about your dinner event, you can close you eyes and thank the Wine Gods for giving you Wine Ambassador.

You will hold your head high and with a smile you will count the days for your next delivery right to your door.

Please remember the next time you are looking for something special without any occasion, get your bottle of wine, good company, maybe a little sunshine, (or maybe you prefer the moon) something to eat and BOOM! you have create the perfect “Event”

Gather a couple of ladies and you have the Perfect Occasion For Wine!

It is so true that when women gather together, they definitely prefer to celebrate with a glass of Wine. Most of the time it does not even need to be a celebration but just a get together of old friends to exchange new stories. The Fine Wine makes any evening special and unforgettable.
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Have you ever been invited to a all girl slumber party? Pajamas is a must and not a choice because you can hang out until early morning. Talking and laughing will be the order of the night until the sun comes up. Surely You will find a couple of empty bottles of your favorite wine in the mix. Always empty dip dishes, and all kinds of snacks will also lay around because with a fine wine any food turn into a feast.

But most honestly the best time for a Glass of Fine Wine is in the evening after a hard day of work, kicking up your feet, waiting for that special man in your life to bring you that ice cold glass of Wine, before he put the stakes or Shrimp on the grill. And that feeling of piece come over you and you know life is good.

But that is not all. We have an amazing Wine Club. Firstly you will have the opportunity to get Free Wine each month, and secondly you can make a part time or full time (Career) income.  Enjoy Fine Wine, Share with Others, and Get Paid…

Watch this video and you will come to the conclusion that firstly, you can drink the wine. Secondly, you can also make a living out of joining our Wine Ambassador club. The potential is endless.

We keep it easy, so click here to Enroll and Get Your Fine Wines Delivered To Your Door

With access, (some are exclusives), to the World’s Largest wine varieties. You will find the Wine of the Month Program is your solution and reward for your hard work in life.

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How about those romantic dinners, or classical music in the park outings?  Ever go up the Canyon to enjoy a campfire, some dark chocolate, and oh… some really good Merlot?  If you haven’t I highly recommend it.

Fine Wine has been around for a very long time. People throughout the ages have discovered the great taste of wine. And the relaxing effect it has on the everyday stresses of life. With Our Wine of the Month Program, every day will bring an occasion for celebration. Sometimes we can celebrate just the fact that we are alive. In these stressful times with all the comforts of home delivery and now Fine Wines are included in that comfort.

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Build your collection every month: These Wines are the Best.

Now you can plan you celebrations ahead and pick each wine for a different occasion and you will never get caught without a definite plan for dinner ever again. Every gathering that you have will be more special with all the choices of Fine Wines you have at your finger tips. Your friends will definitely ask where it is coming from and you can share your secret will all of them. Be the first to know!

Start today to make your life easier and to celebrate more with family and friends. Even when you are invited to their homes you will never come up short with a bottle of Wine from  Our Wine of the Month Program.

JOIN US on our Wine and Dine Wednesdays! We have new ones LIVE each and every Wednesday at 5:30pm (PST) / 6:30pm (MST) / 7:30pm (CST) / 8:30pm (EST) / 9:30pm (AST) on our “Zoom Meeting Room” / and get the access times and links.

Don’t miss out on this great find. Join our Wine of the Month club today and start celebrating your life with friends, and your family!